Real Estate Appraisal Blog

September 16th, 2022 8:53 AM
Mornings are often the most important part of the day - they can make or break your mood and set the tone for all of your to-dos. To help combat the hecticness that can arrive when the sun comes up, consider these five tips for a stress-free start to the day.

Fine-tune your fashion at night. Whether you are focused on getting yourself out the door or have kids who need to get to school, planning what to wear the night before can help save time. When the clock is ticking and you have somewhere to be, the fear of a missing shoe or misplaced accessory can throw everything off.  

Express gratitude. Take a few moments after rising to jot down or be mindful of a few things you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. Starting the day in a positive state of mind can lift your mood and provide residual benefits throughout the day.

Organize what leaves with you. Designate a place where everyone can stash the things they need to take when they leave the house - whether it's a backpack, purse, briefcase or gym bag. When you return home at night, empty used or unneeded items and replace them so you can grab and go in the morning.

Boost your breakfast routine. While cereal or toast are easy standbys, certain days call for a more savory breakfast. Skip dirtying dishes at home and snag Wendy's on-the-go. Breakfast becomes a breeze with craveable breakfast sandwiches like the Sausage, Egg & Swiss Croissant or Bacon, Egg & Swiss Croissant, both made with fresh-cracked eggs and housed on warm, flaky croissants. For caffeine lovers, grab a hot coffee made with 100% Arabica beans, cold brew coffee steeped for 12 hours or a one-of-a-kind Frosty-ccino - cold brew coffee topped with Frosty creamer - for that extra kick to jump start your day. See the complete breakfast lineup at or on its mobile app.

Avoid distractions. If you're like many people, reaching for your phone is the first thing you do after opening your eyes. However, this trap can get you sucked into emails, scrolling through your newsfeed or falling into a social media rabbit hole, which devours precious time. Force yourself to leave your phone and other similar distractions out of your morning routine to get out the door more efficiently.

No one wants to start the day in chaos. Simple time management and planning can help make hectic mornings more enjoyable and productive. 

Source: Wendy's



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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on September 16th, 2022 8:53 AMLeave a Comment

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August 9th, 2022 7:44 AM

Businesses don't answer their phones anymore. It's a trend that's been happening for years, and it's only getting worse. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that businesses increasingly rely on automated call systems or voice mail. Automated call systems are much cheaper than hiring human operators and can often handle a higher volume of calls. Voice mail is more convenient. As a result, business owners feel they don't have to answer their phones and talk to customers anymore because it can save them time and less stress. People are so used to letting voice mail pick up their calls now that they feel overwhelmed and stressed when they do talk to someone on the phone. However, they are losing business by allowing Automated call systems and voice mail to answer their calls. When customers call a company, they want to speak to a human. Therefore, most businesses nowadays are not answering their phones.


This trend is problematic for several reasons:

  1. It reflects poorly on the business. Customers who can't get through may assume that the business is unprofessional or incompetent.
  2. It can lead to lost business. If customers can't get through to a business, they may take their business elsewhere.
  3. It can damage relationships with existing customers. If customers feel like they can't get through to a business, they may eventually give up and go elsewhere.


As a result, many customers are left frustrated and angry.

We at All Seasons Appraisals care about our customers and potential customers.

Call us anytime for a quote, question, or set an appointment. (216) 216-314-4843


No need to call around; we answer our phones. 



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June 8th, 2022 7:15 AM
5 practical upgrades to increase style, function

Whether you've purchased a new house or are just looking to invest in what is likely your largest asset, home improvements can make your living space more comfortable, functional and stylish.

Homebuyers are looking for practical home amenities that allow them to live, work and play - such as dedicated home offices, backyard retreats, home gyms and more - without having to worry about any potential future restrictions caused by the pandemic, according to a survey by Zolo of more than 3,300 new homeowners and potential first-time buyers in 2022.

Consider these popular upgrade ideas to create a space built for your family's needs that can also increase resale value down the line.

Home Office
At the height of the pandemic, many professionals found themselves working remotely - a trend that continued as restrictions were lifted. In fact, 46% of survey respondents listed a dedicated office space as a must-have when purchasing a new home. When creating this space, keep function and efficiency top of mind. Build your home office around a desk - either standing or traditional - then consider additions like an ergonomic chair and keyboard, soft light desk lamp, mood-boosting plants and a white board to stay organized. Don't forget to add flairs of personality like artwork, knick-knacks or photos of loved ones to make it your own.

By improving the overall look and functionality of dark spaces, such as home offices where natural light can improve creativity and productivity, an option like skylights can increase the value of a home, and 55% of new homebuyers rated skylights as desirable or essential, according to research from the National Association of Home Builders.  For rooms that need brightening, skylights can free up wall space for storage while adding abundant natural light and increasing ventilation. An option like Velux No Leak Solar-Powered Fresh Air Skylights help rid indoor air of bacteria, volatile organic compounds and carbon dioxide.

Over the long-term, high-quality skylights can also help reduce carbon emissions and home energy consumption, saving money on household bills, according to Urban Grade. Remote-controlled models can be opened to bring fresh air inside, and with light-filtering or room-darkening shades homeowners have maximum control over the exact amount of light they want. Plus, solar-powered shades come in more than 75 colors and patterns, allowing homeowners nearly endless customization options. Learn more at

Backyard Retreat
Perfect for hosting friends, dining al fresco or simply relaxing with the backdrop of nature, 48% of survey respondents cited a backyard retreat as a must-have home amenity. Start with a deck or patio then customize your outdoor living space to meet your family's wants and needs. Weather-proof furniture can add comfort while features like outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, fans and lighting can create a connection to your indoor areas that add both style and function.

Walk-In Pantry
If you want to add a pantry in your kitchen, you're not alone. Walk-in pantries found their way onto 48% of respondents' lists of must-haves. To get started, consider your storage needs to determine the amount of space you'll require and remember to vary shelving heights to maximize space. Open shelving can also be combined with additional counter space, cabinets, pull-out organizers and other features to help match the design to the rest of your kitchen.

Home Gym
Another trend that rose in popularity amid the pandemic, home gyms can take on a variety of shapes and sizes, utilizing available space in the garage, basement, a spare bedroom or even the backyard. Providing more time to fit workouts into your schedule, home gyms can be customized with equipment most important for your lifestyle. From yoga mats, jump ropes and free weights to treadmills, ellipticals and benches and racks, your space, budget and goals can help in the creation or update of a dedicated, in-home workout space.
Source: Velux


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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on June 8th, 2022 7:15 AMLeave a Comment

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December 31st, 2021 6:12 AM

The decision to go from renter to homeowner is a big one. When you own your own home there are a lot of responsibilities, but there are also a lot of benefits.


Buying a home for the first time can be intimidating. The reason it’s daunting is because, for most individuals, it’s the single largest purchase they’re ever going to make.


To ease your fears and ensure you make the best choices, there are some things that every first-time home buyer ought to know.


Follow this advice to ensure your home buying experience is successful:


  1. Determine what you’ll be able to afford. Before you start house hunting, figure out exactly how much you can afford to spend.
    • Make a budget by taking your monthly income and then subtracting all of your monthly expenses. This will tell you how much you can afford to spend on your mortgage payments.
    • As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that you spend no more than 28% of your income on housing costs.
  2. Determine what your monthly housing costs will be. Your monthly housing costs won’t just include your mortgage payments, but also your property taxes and homeowner’s insurance.
    • To figure out what your mortgage payments will be, you can get preapproved for a loan. The lender will be able to tell you what the interest rate on your loan will be and what the monthly payments will come out to.


    • Before you buy a house, you can ask what the current property taxes are, so you have an idea. Sometimes, your property taxes are added on to your mortgage payment.
    • To figure out how much you might have to spend on homeowner’s insurance, you can contact different insurance providers for quotes. Shop around for the best rates!
  3. Get in touch with a real estate agent. After you've done your homework, it's a good idea to use a realtor to help you find the perfect house. If you decide to go house hunting on your own without a realtor, you’ll be limiting your options.
    • A realtor can quickly and easily look up all of the properties that are available in a particular geographical area and price range.
    • They can also get you in to see vacant homes which you’re unable to do on your own.
    • A realtor will also help you navigate through the mountain of paperwork that has to be filled out when purchasing a home.


Keep These Tips in Mind While House Hunting


  1. Location is key! Let your realtor know what’s important to you and they’ll show you houses in a fitting location.
    • If you have health concerns, you may want to buy a house near a hospital or your doctor. You’re probably looking for a house near a school if you have young children. Perhaps you want to be near restaurants and shopping. Figure out your location needs and communicate them.
  2. Bring a digital camera and a notepad. It’s important to gather information about each house, so you can go back and review it later. You want to be sure of your choice before buying a house.
    • Make notes about each house you visit, jotting down the things you like or don't like. You can even rate each house on a scale of 1 to 10.
    • With a digital camera, you can take lots of pictures of the houses you look at. This will help you remember some details after a long day of house hunting.
    • After looking at a number of homes, go back to your top choices for a second look.

At this point you're ready to make an offer to buy your first house. Your real estate agent will give you some advice about how much to offer, and then they’ll deliver your offer to the listing agent. If all goes well, it won't be long until you’re moving into your first home.



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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on December 31st, 2021 6:12 AMLeave a Comment

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Selling your home yourself means you have to actively look for potential buyers and communicate with them. You'll have to answer phone calls and emails to provide more details about the home.

Interacting with potential buyers can seem like a waste of time, but it's important to be available and helpful so that you don't miss out on making the sale.

Learn to recognize a buyer who is genuinely interested and ready to make a serious offer. 

Ask these few simple questions to get a better idea of what the buyer is after and how serious they are:

1. Find out how long they've been looking for a property. Someone who is just getting started might not be ready to make an offer while someone who has been looking for two or three months should have a good idea of what they want.

2. Ask how many homes they've already looked at. A higher number often shows they are seriously looking and have some specific criteria in mind.

3. Ask if they've made any offers on another property. This is a sign that they have figured out their finances and will make an offer if your home corresponds to what they want.

4. Find out more about their finances. A serious buyer knows what price range they can afford and maybe pre-approved for financing. A potential buyer with a letter from their bank is definitely serious.

You can usually tell if a potential buyer is serious or not by the questions they ask. Someone who knows what they are looking for may ask about the layout of the home, might want to see more pictures, or ask for a plan.

They will also ask about recent repairs and upgrades. They might have some specific questions that show they're planning on making some renovations or changes after moving in. Any questions that show that they are imagining themselves living in your home are good signs.

Schedule a showing or invite buyers who seem interested to an open house. Someone who is serious will be flexible and sound excited about seeing your home. Pay attention to their behavior while they visit your home. A serious buyer will ask about practical things and pay attention to details.

Making an offer doesn't always mean that a buyer is serious. A serious buyer understands that they need to make a reasonable offer so that you will consider it. If the bid is too low, you might be dealing with someone who is not quite ready to buy.

You can tell if a buyer is serious or not by the questions they ask, their behavior, and if they are eager to see the property. A serious buyer should also have their finances in order and will make an offer shortly after seeing your property if they decide that it corresponds to what they want.

Although it can be an emotional experience, selling your home can also be exciting. Keep your mind on your end goals and your path of moving forward, and the kinks will work themselves out.



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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on December 5th, 2021 11:54 AMLeave a Comment

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Can Automated Valuation Model Replace a Real estate Appraiser?

What Is an Automated Valuation Model? 

An automated valuation model (also known as AVM) is a service for determining residential and commercial real estate property value. This service determines the worth of a property using mathematical or statistical modeling and a mix of current databases.  The vast majority of AVMs compare identical property values at the same time.

How Does AVM's Work?

AVM technology is used by appraisers, investment experts, and lending institutions to analyze the residential property. An AVM is a residential value report that generates very quickly. It's a report that's heavily reliant on technology. The output of automated valuation technology is a calculated estimate of a residential
operty's probable value based on the study of public record data and computer decision logic. AVMs combine two or more methods of evaluation, the most frequent of which are the hedonic model and the repeat transaction index. Each model's output is given a Confidence Score, which is then weighed, assessed, and delivered as a final value estimate based on a specific date.

Do We Still Need Real estate Appraisers?

AVMs are used throughout the real estate industry, but are they the best way to determine a property's value?

An appraiser can be more accurate with the current condition of the property. As for AVM, it can not know for sure the actual condition of the property. So this one difference can be significant, especially if the property is a newly built home. It can be a real challenge to even come close to an actual value due to the lack of comparable properties. 

The Bottom Line

AVM is good to use as a baseline. However, it can never replace Appraisers.

Most mortgage lenders will require an Appraiser to do a personalized property appraisal in person due to worries about accuracy.

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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on November 29th, 2021 7:45 AMLeave a Comment

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Top 12 Tips For Selling Your Home In Tough Times

Are you getting ready to sell your home? Luckily, you can feel confident that your home will sell regardless of a competitive real estate market or stagnant economy. Consider these ideas to sell your home more quickly when the market is difficult.

1.)   Clean thoroughly and remove clutter. Get a storage unit if you have to.

Make necessary repairs and updates. Replace outdated appliances and repair the floors and roof as necessary.

Stage your home with attractive furniture.

Offer a carrot to help your home stand out and sweeten the deal. A home warranty, owner financing, or financial help with the closing costs could entice more buyers.

Enhance your home’s curb appeal. Tidy up the yard and put out some pots of flowers.

6.)   Price your home appropriately. Listing it for only 1% less than comparable homes in your area can attract needed. 

Be willing to negotiate. Sometimes, a price discount can close the deal.

Use a professional real estate agent. Be willing to switch agents if you’re not happy with them.

Take advantage of technology. Make a virtual home tour of your house and property.

Ensure your For Sale sign is visible to passersby.

Consider swapping houses. You can find others all over the country who are interested in swapping homes at To swap, you schedule simultaneous closings, where you buy their house and they buy yours.

Tell everyone you know that you’re selling your house. A buyer from your own network of family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances might surprise you with an offer.

All Seasons Appraisals 

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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on July 18th, 2021 9:30 AMLeave a Comment

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June 17th, 2021 6:55 AM

How to Create a Realistic Budget

(Family Features) A budget is one of the most important financial tools in your arsenal, but budgeting isn't one size fits all. In order to be successful, your budget should reflect your income and spending, but also your desires and need to live a balanced life.

Learn to build a realistic budget with these tips from the financial experts at First Boulevard, a Black-owned digital bank with a mission to close wealth gaps and build generational wealth:

Know Your Numbers
Start by gathering all income you receive on a monthly basis. This should include regular income like paychecks, as well as variable income like money from babysitting or driving for a ride-share company.

Next, outline your expenses, or the things you spend your money on each month. To get a more accurate idea, look at your bank or credit card statements. This includes recurring expenses like your rent or mortgage, utilities, car payments and subscriptions, as well as variable expenses that may change from month to month like entertainment and dining out.

Look for trends in your variable expenses. Be sure to include everything in your outline, including trips to the hair salon, shopping and other treats.

Determine Essential vs. Non-Essential
Break down your expenses by categorizing them as essential or non-essential. Here, you're differentiating your needs from your wants.

Essentials include things you need to survive, like your mortgage or rent, utilities, groceries and medical needs. Non-essentials include the things you don't necessarily need to survive, but provide you with comforts like cable, gym memberships, dry cleaning or trips to the spa. Non-essentials also include savings and any debts you may have.

Create your budget by listing your essential expenses first. Your debts, like student loans or car loan payments, may not be essential for you to survive, but they are high-priority expenses that need to be paid. Put these at the top of your non-essential expenses list.

Then list other non-essential expenses based on their level of importance to you. For example, if health and wellness are important to you, your gym membership may be higher on your list of non-essential expenses than buying new clothes.

Keep listing your expenses until the total equals all of your income for the month. Using all of your income is called zero-based budgeting, and helps make sure every dollar of your income is accounted for in your budget. 

If you get to a point where you don't have enough income to cover all your expenses, review your list of essential and non-essential expenses to look for ways to reduce or eliminate costs.

Be Realistic
When creating a monthly budget, it may be tempting to try and restructure everything to meet your financial goals faster. While this can fast-track your way toward a goal, it can cause you to lose sight of the person who has to do the work to stick with the budget. 

Instead of creating a bare bones budget where you limit yourself, plan to allow yourself at least a couple of times per week to indulge in small treats.

Choose a Budgeting Tool
Once you've gathered all of your financial information, it's time to choose a way to manage and track your budget. If you're old school, you may want to use the pencil and paper approach. Or you can start with pen and paper then transfer that information to a budgeting app. By writing it out first, you're more likely to catch mistakes or omissions. 

If you're a little more tech savvy, there are some convenient and affordable apps and websites available to help.

The key to creating a realistic budget is balancing the needs of your finances with your personal needs. Find more practical advice and tools for managing your money at

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on June 17th, 2021 6:55 AMLeave a Comment

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Upgrade Your Home, Downgrade Energy Usage
7 efficient home improvement projects

(Family Features) The best home upgrades not only make spaces more livable and energy-efficient but are also cost-effective. Making energy-efficient improvements is a savvy way to save money on utility bills, curb energy usage and add to the house’s value.

Consider a variety of home improvement projects, both

 big and small, that can reduce the financial burden of maintaining your home throughout the year and improve energy efficiency.

Add Insulation

A cost-effective way to save on heating and cooling bills is adding a layer of in

sulation in the attic where heat loss is typically greatest due to hot air rising. While many newer homes are adequately insulated, those that are several decades old (or older) may benefit from an upgrade in not only the attic but other common problem areas where air can escape such as basements, crawl spaces, fireplaces and ductwork.


Seal Doors and Windows

Windows and doors are common culprits for energy loss. While a complete replacement of doors and windows can be pricey, adding exterior caulk and weather stripping to fill in gaps where air can escape around these openings can make a noticeable difference for a fraction of the cost and make it cheaper to heat and cool your home.


Install Skylights

Skylights are a cost-effective option for transforming any room in the home with natural light while also delivering energy-saving benefits. For example, Sun Tunnel Skylights from Velux can be installed in as little as 90 minutes and funnel natural light from the roof through the attic and into the room below with an aesthetic that resembles recessed lighting. Customizable with six diffuser film styles to complement interior design, the skylights can make a home more energy-efficient by reducing reliance on artificial lighting. An optional daylight controller makes it easy for homeowners to adjust natural light entering a room, and a solar nightlight provides a moon-like guiding light at night. Installed with the solar nightlight, the skylights qualify for a 26% federal tax credit on solar property.


Add Reflective Window Film

When the sun shines through windows, it can heat up the home’s interior quickly and trigger the air conditioner to turn on. Window coverings, such as blackout curtains, can help, but adding low-e reflective window film to your windowpanes, particularly southern-facing ones, can provide an additional shield from the sun’s hot rays and reduce energy costs.


Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is an efficient way to control the climate inside your home, and those with smart technology take programming to a whole new level. Today’s smart thermostats not only let homeowners control temperatures from their smart devices while on-the-go but can also learn daily habits and adjust the temperature accordingly with no other manual adjustments necessary. In addition, some utility companies offer incentives like money back at the end of the year for installing a smart thermostat because the energy savings are so substantial.


Replace Appliances

Because appliances like refrigerators and ovens, among others, are major energy users, investing in more efficient models provides both cost and energy savings. Additionally, homes more than 15 years old could benefit from updates to the air conditioner or heater as systems 15-20 years old or older may be candidates for replacement as they’re inefficient by today’s standards.


Add Ceiling Fans

In comparison to running your air conditioner consistently, the cost of running a ceiling fan (or several) is significantly less. Particularly on days that may not require cooling the entire house completely, fans can provide a gentle breeze and circulate air in the spaces you use most often. Simply adjust the switch to the counterclockwise position to ensure it’s pushing air downward during warmer months.


For more information and home improvement ideas, visit

All Seasons Appraisals 

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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on June 10th, 2021 7:58 AMLeave a Comment

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