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Real Estate Appraisal Blog

Top 12 Tips For Selling Your Home In Tough Times
July 18th, 2021 9:30 AM

Top 12 Tips For Selling Your Home In Tough Times

Are you getting ready to sell your home? Luckily, you can feel confident that your home will sell regardless of a competitive real estate market or stagnant economy. Consider these ideas to sell your home more quickly when the market is difficult.

1.)   Clean thoroughly and remove clutter. Get a storage unit if you have to.

Make necessary repairs and updates. Replace outdated appliances and repair the floors and roof as necessary.

Stage your home with attractive furniture.

Offer a carrot to help your home stand out and sweeten the deal. A home warranty, owner financing, or financial help with the closing costs could entice more buyers.

Enhance your home’s curb appeal. Tidy up the yard and put out some pots of flowers.

6.)   Price your home appropriately. Listing it for only 1% less than comparable homes in your area can attract needed. 

Be willing to negotiate. Sometimes, a price discount can close the deal.

Use a professional real estate agent. Be willing to switch agents if you’re not happy with them.

Take advantage of technology. Make a virtual home tour of your house and property.

Ensure your For Sale sign is visible to passersby.

Consider swapping houses. You can find others all over the country who are interested in swapping homes at To swap, you schedule simultaneous closings, where you buy their house and they buy yours.

Tell everyone you know that you’re selling your house. A buyer from your own network of family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances might surprise you with an offer.

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Posted by Gregg F. Micale on July 18th, 2021 9:30 AMPost a Comment

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