Real Estate Appraisal Blog

December 2nd, 2022 7:41 AM

5 tips to prep your home for cold, wet conditions

Americans should brace for a potentially cold and wet winter, according to NOAA and this year's Farmer's Almanac Winter Outlook. That means now is a perfect opportunity to think about preparing your family and home for the colder months ahead. 

From heating homes with a high-performing furnace or fireplace to keeping children warm and comfortable on school buses, propane can help keep families cozy this winter. 

Relying on a diverse energy mix - including propane, solar and wind - can help ensure you're prepared for whatever winter brings and reduce the strain on the fragile electric grid. Plus, propane is a stable energy source that is stored on-site and can keep homes operating during severe weather or utility power interruptions. Using propane also produces 43% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than an equivalent amount of electricity generated from the grid.

Get winter-ready with these tips from the experts at the Propane Education & Research Council:

Have Your Furnace Serviced. Proactively think about ways you can reduce the demand on your heating system. In addition to scheduling routine maintenance by a trained professional, there are a few things homeowners can do. First, open all air vents and make sure they are uncovered as blocked airflow forces the furnace to work harder. 

Check the thermostat to ensure it's working properly by increasing the temperature by 5 F and waiting to hear the furnace turn on. Consider setting the thermostat a couple degrees cooler than what might feel comfortable as doing so not only saves money but lessens the load from your furnace. Keep thermostats at 65 F during the day and 55 F at night, closing off rooms that don't need to be heated. 

Using a programmable thermostat can save homeowners as much as 10% per year on heating costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. It's also a good idea to replace air filters every 1-3 months to help keep your furnace working efficiently and effectively. 

Upgrade Your Furnace. If it's time to upgrade your home's climate control system, it's a smart idea to do your homework and explore your options. There are several state and federal incentive programs to help homeowners upgrade their current systems to a clean energy option like propane. Propane is an affordable, comfortable, reliable and efficient energy source. It's also a clean, low-carbon option. What's more, propane-powered furnaces last 50% longer than electric heat pumps, which means a lower lifetime investment. Propane furnaces also provide warmer air than other heat sources (115-125 F), are less impacted by outdoor temperatures and produce 50% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than electric furnaces and 12% less than fuel oil furnaces.

Rethink Your Boiler System. For a home that runs on a boiler system, you can make upgrades that improve performance while providing space savings and the versatility to provide heating, hot water and even snow melt. High-efficiency propane boilers can last up to 30 years and have significantly lower emissions than those fueled by heating oil.

Take Advantage of Your Fireplace. The warm glow of a fire isn't only comforting; it can be a practical and effective way to increase the heat inside your home. Not only do propane fireplaces offer 5-6 times the heating capacity of electric fireplaces, they're also more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, convenient to use and easier to install than woodburning models. They also emit less soot and other emissions. 

Be Efficient with Water Heating. Water heating can be a large expense, accounting for 14-18% of home utility bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Set your water heater no higher than 120 F and install low-flow shower heads or temperature-sensitive shower valves to reduce energy consumption. High-performance propane tankless water heaters can reduce a home's energy consumption because it only heats the water when you need it, ultimately saving you money. 

Find more tips to prepare your home for winter weather at

Preparing for Winter Storms

Before, during and after a storm, consider these key factors to help keep your family and home as safe as possible.

Have an Adequate Propane Supply 

Discuss the possibility of scheduling regular winter visits with your propane supplier so you always have an adequate supply of propane in your tank. This can reduce your chances of running empty in times of heavy snowfall when roads may be inaccessible for delivery.

Create an Emergency Plan

Work with your family to create a plan in the event of a winter storm. Gather contact information for emergency services and utility companies, including your local propane supplier, along with instructions for turning off your propane, electricity and water. If you turn off your propane, contact a service technician to inspect your system before turning it back on.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Because carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is highly poisonous, the International Association of Fire Chiefs recommends installing a carbon monoxide detector listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) on every level of your home, including the basement. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding installation, location and maintenance.

Plan for Communications

Keep a battery-powered radio handy, so you always have a way to receive updates on weather conditions. As storms approach, it's also smart to charge your smartphone to use as an additional tool for communication through a power outage. Purchasing a propane generator is another option to ensure you always have reliable power, even during blackouts.

Inspect Damage Cautiously

If a storm causes harm to your property, be careful when assessing damage. Downed power lines, damaged gas lines and dislodged propane tanks can lead to dangerous situations. In the dark, use a flashlight instead of candles to avoid combustion if there is a leak.

Call the Experts in Dangerous Situations

Your utility company, fire department and propane supplier have expert training to handle your home's systems in potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, if a storm damages your property, it's a good idea to have a qualified service technician perform a complete inspection of your propane system to look for damage.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images (House) 
Source: Propane Education & Research Council
Source: Propane Education & Research Council


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Not all great things come in big packages, and home upgrades are an example of the truth in this wisdom. Unexpected, smaller spaces may not get the same attention as high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms and living areas, but their impact can be just as powerful.


Get inspired to make improvements to the lesser-used areas of your home with these tips from the home decorating experts at Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.:


It’s the impression that welcomes guests into your home, so even if the space is small, your entryway warrants some TLC. Focus on making it open and inviting by removing any unnecessary furnishings. Some functional storage, like a bench with integrated coat hooks, can serve a practical purpose, and if you have the space, some built-in cabinetry with an eye-catching countertop can incorporate stylish storage.


Laundry Room

Getting motivated to do chores like laundry is easy when you have a beautiful setting for getting to work. Introducing pops of color in nontraditional places, like the cabinetry, adds a high-end elegance. Water-inspired and earthy hues like Midtown Matte Tidewater or Arcadia Chiffon Cypress are perfect for the laundry space. Both are options in Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.’s Aspire Series, which features concealed hinges with self-close functionality and matching interiors for a high-class look, even when the doors are open for business.



A cluttered closet may not be the first thing a guest notices, but it’s a space you visit daily. Improving the organizational features can streamline your morning routine and put you in a more positive frame of mind to start each day. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to closet design, but using cabinetry in place of open shelving and rods lends a more luxurious feel. Plan for adequate hanging and closed storage, and if space allows, be sure to plan for shoes and accessories since these items can easily contribute to a closet’s disarray.


Mini Bar

If you fear you don’t have room for a mini bar, you may be surprised. Reimagining a larder cabinet, like the ones Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. offers in 30-, 33-, 36- and 42-inch widths, can create an instant bar out of just about any wall space where you can fit a cabinet. Install it as a coffee bar or traditional bar, or add the optional Appliance Pullout shelf for more versatility.



Guests may not find themselves in your pantry very often, but you likely use this space every day. Transform your pantry for heightened utility in simple ways like using clear plastic bins for small boxed foods or stylish wicker baskets to hide away snacks. For a more permanent solution, take advantage of unused space on the back of the pantry door with thin shelves for items like seasoning packets and smaller canned goods.


Guest Bathroom

Swapping out a tired vanity and countertop is a relatively affordable upgrade that can completely change the style of a secondary bathroom. Be sure to also update the fixtures for a more contemporary look and, if budget allows, replace the flooring. Finish the project with a fresh coat of paint in a light, airy shade and add new textiles and a few decorative touches to complete the job.


Find more ideas for updating unexpected spaces in your home at



Hideaway Storage Spaces

One feature that enhances virtually any space is more storage. Having convenient places to tuck away all your stuff makes rooms feel more open and inviting. Hidden storage solutions are often better because you can enjoy the functionality they add to the space without interrupting your design aesthetic.


Here are some clever ideas for keeping necessary items tucked out of sight but within easy reach:


Built-in Step Stool: If you love the look of tall cabinets but struggle to reach the top shelves, a practical addition is a hidden step ladder in a pullout caddy. Specially designed ladders that fold down extra narrow and feature nonslip rubber treads make this a handy addition you’ll reach for again and again.


Paper Towel Pullout: Keep paper towels hidden but close by hiding them in a pullout cabinet such as Wellborn Cabinet Inc.’s 12-inch-wide model, which features a built-in paper towel holder and bottom shelf ideal for organizing cleaning products. There’s also a space behind the paper towels that’s perfect for storing sponges and other kitchen supplies.


Drawer Dividers: While you can find many after-market options to organize the insides of your drawers and cabinets, choosing organizers designed to work seamlessly with your cabinetry creates a more polished look (and saves the headaches of measuring and guesstimating the fit). Tray dividers are useful for sorting cookie sheets and baking pans, while you can find dividers in a variety of heights to match drawers below the oven or where you store your cutlery. Another option that serves a similar purpose is pegs, which keep fragile items from shifting when drawers are opened or closed.


Your answers to these questions will help you determine if the property you are interested in would make a good addition to your portfolio or allow you to make money with a quick flip.


It’s important for your creative financing strategy to be well planned, account for unforeseen expense, and include a solid exit strategy.


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Limiting beliefs are those negative thoughts and feelings that prevent you from achieving a goal. They can hold you back in life and keep you from reaching your full potential.

There are many different types of limiting beliefs, but some common ones include:

1.) I'm not good enough.
2.) I'll never be successful.
3.) I don't deserve to be happy.
4.) I'm not worthy of love or respect.

These beliefs can be based on past experiences, negative messages from others, or even our own negative self-talk. Whatever their source, they can have a powerful effect on our lives if we let them.

The good news is that we can choose to change our limiting beliefs. We don't have to be held back by them anymore. When we identify and challenge our limiting beliefs, we can start to move forward in life and achieve our goals.

If you're ready to start overcoming your limiting beliefs, here are some tips to get you started:

-Identify your limiting beliefs. The first step is to become aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Pay attention to your self-talk and look for any patterns of negative thinking.

-Challenge your beliefs. Once you've identified your limiting beliefs, it's time to start challenging them. Ask yourself why you believe these things about yourself. Are they really true? Are they based on facts or evidence?

-Replace your limiting beliefs with positive ones. Once you've challenged and changed your negative thinking, it's time to start replacing those thoughts with positive, empowering ones.

-Take action towards your goals. Having positive beliefs about yourself is one thing, but you also need to take action towards your goals. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve great things. Then go out there and make it happen!

Overcoming your limiting beliefs is a journey, but it's one that can lead you to a life of incredible joy, success, and fulfillment. Start today by taking the first step: identifying the negative thoughts that are holding you back. Then challenge them, replace them with positive ones, and take action towards your goals. You CAN achieve anything you set your mind to!


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A Budget-Friendly Flooring Option with Vibrant Variety

Why resilient flooring may be right for your spring remodel

(Family Features) Floors are an investment. When you’re sitting down to plan out a remodel, you don’t typically start with a designer lamp or a sleek lounge chair – you design your spaces from the floor up.

As you’re planning out your remodel this spring, consider an option like Beautifully Responsible resilient flooring to bring the room to life while giving you room to live your life. If you’re redoing your kitchen, you need floors that can stand up to spills and other messes. If you just got a puppy, you’ll need floors that don’t pause at the sight of paws. Resilient flooring offers durable options that can stand up to everyday wear and tear, all in designs that can fit your budget.

Consider these reasons to opt for resilient flooring during your remodel.

Woodgrain Without Budget Drain
You can leave the hammer and tile spacers at the store and still bring beautiful oak or pine woodgrain or ornate stone patterns into your home on a budget. Resilient flooring offers a wide variety of color, texture and design options to fit nearly any vision you can dream up. Beyond their surface beauty, resilient flooring options from members of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute are made with sustainable manufacturing practices like reducing energy, water and waste, and avoiding depleting limited natural resources.

New Floors Faster
Many resilient floors are designed to be easier to install, but you can also find resilient flooring options in nearly every home improvement store – meaning you could get started on your renovation today. Whether it’s in sheets that can cover an entire room or luxury vinyl tiles you can tailor to your space, resilient flooring can save time and money on installation.

A Breath of Fresh Air
As the seasons change and allergies abound, make sure your flooring helps create a healthy and quality indoor environment. Hundreds of resilient flooring products and their adhesives have earned the third-party FloorScore IAQ Certification, which originated within the resilient flooring category, setting strict limits on the types and amounts of volatile organic compounds that can be emitted from non-carpet flooring products.

Whatever look you want, whatever room you’re renovating, there’s a resilient floor that can add a spring to your step this season. Find your floor today at


Beautifully Responsible


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April 25th, 2022 5:20 AM
A home design that blends multiple elements seamlessly can be both inviting and visually interesting. If you're planning to upgrade your living space in 2022, consider incorporating materials like stone and brick, which bring color, texture and functionality while complementing some of this year's leading design trends.

Settling on a design aesthetic is the first step for most renovation projects, but it can be a challenge for many homeowners. If you're in need of inspiration for a project on the horizon, consider these 2022 trends from the design experts at Glen-Gery:

Warm Colors
Look for a shift toward warmer colors like beige, tan, caramel, cocoa and even black. Designers are moving from cool grays to a warmer coffee-inspired palette. The use of warmer colors on structural elements of a home, like brick, stone, siding, doors and shutters, offer visual warmth while making a statement.

Textures and Patterns
Textures and patterns are popping up in many on-trend designs. Texture can enhance the overall feeling of a space by offering depth and complexity that draws a visitor into the room. The use of texture in a design element, like stone or brick, can provide visual interest and engage the mind with a tactile response that encourages interaction with the environment.

Outdoor Inspiration
Nature is inspiring an array of design elements this year. You may see this trend emerging through increased use of glass for light and views of nature, as well as continued focus on the versatile and transitional indoor-outdoor spaces that gained momentum during the height of the pandemic. Approaches may vary depending on the homeowner's style and climate, but examples include larger patios in brick and stone, as well as more functional private patios and porches. Another aspect of this trend is the tendency for homeowners to integrate indoor conveniences such as kitchens, fireplaces, furniture and electronics into their outdoor spaces.

Clean Lines
This season, designers are creating inviting, comfortable and serene spaces with modern vibes through the use of clean lines in design, materials and furnishings. One trick is integrating elements that transfer light or give an illusion of illumination from a higher sheen, such as glass brick. The play of light and shadows simultaneously blends inspiration from nature with sleek lines and dramatic focal points to evoke a sense of balanced calm and strength. This approach can also come to life through ceiling windows, furnishings and the use of stone, brick and wood on statement walls or accents.

For more on-trend design ideas for your home, visit

Bringing On-Trend Design into Your Home
Brick is a versatile design material that fits virtually any trending design. From handmade to glazed bricks and nearly everything in between, you can find building products in a diverse array of colors, textures and sizes to emphasize focal points and capture your target design aesthetic.

Brick carries a sense of tradition, character and timelessness while also serving as a popular choice for homeowners due to its design flexibility. With benchmark qualities such as low maintenance, resilience, durability, sustainability and beauty, brick can help homeowners balance function with appearance.

When looking for brick, consider a quality and reputable option like Glen-Gery, which offers an extensive line of more than 600 brick and stone products that provide nearly endless design possibilities and timeless beauty. The brickmaker's collections feature an assortment of both traditional and modern products to unique international items sourced from around the globe that evoke beauty, elegance and creativity.

Get your design planning underway with a virtual design tool like Picture Perfect that helps you visualize projects for your home while experimenting with different building products to achieve the perfect look.

Photo courtesy of David Lauer Photography (sitting room)
Photo courtesy of Glen-Gery (living room)
Source: Glen-Gery


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